All employees hired by CareSphere have provided personal information pre hire. It is the employees responsiblity to ensure their personnel file is up to date at all time.
The following personal information is collected pre-hire. It is the employees responsibility to inform CareSphere of any changes.
- Name Change
- Address Change
- Emergency Contact
- Change in phone number
- Marital status
- Citizenship status
Employees should keep their personnel file up to date by informing CareSphere of any changes. Employees should also inform CareSphere of any specialized training or skills they acquire, as well as any changes to any required visas. Unreported changes of address, marital status, etc can affect withholding tax and benefit coverage. Futher, an "out of date" emergency contact or an inability to reach employees in a crisis could cause a sever health or safety risk or other significan problem.
Employees must always have an active phone number on file with CareSphere. If an employees phone number was disconnected and an alternate phone number was not provided we will consider it as job abandonment due to the inability to contact you.